Tag Archives: kind act

Tell me you’re story

For over 70 days I’ve been sharing the acts of kindness that I have performed each day. The receivers have been friends, family, my wife, and even complete strangers. But enough about me, now I want to hear from you. I would like for you to write and comment on this blog about examples of the kind acts you would like to receive. What random act of kindness would blow your mind and leave you speechless? Or tell us about your own acts of kindness.

What kind acts have you performed in the past that made a difference to someone and left an impression on you as well? I know there are many kind people out there, let’s hear your stories….

Act 41

Sunday, February 22, 2009.

Today I was completely wore out from my Charlotte trip. But never too tired for kindness. My wife was going to fix dinner for us that evening, something special (and she is an excellent cook). But she needed a few things from the store. So without hesitation I went and collected the items she needed for her recipe. And I even surprised her with a dessert that I picked up.

It was an overwhelming success and the dinner was amazing. I hope those last few special ingredients helped….grocery-store-interior