Tag Archives: presents

The Twelve Days of Kindness – Day 12, Act 138

Friday, December 25, Day 12, Act 138:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Today as we all celebrated Christmas and spending time with friends and family, eating, opening presents, etc.; we have to take the time to remember those not able to partake of all the festivities. So my parents and I took some Christmas dinner down to my grandmother who just came home from the hospital and spent the afternoon with her.  She got to open her presents, had a wonderful Christmas dinner, and enjoyed spending time with her family!

This ends the Twelve Days of Kindness coinciding with the Twelve Days of Christmas.  I hope your twelve days was a wonderful journey too. Continue on your kindness deeds and please share them with us on the blog.  Thanks.

Merry Christmas and have a Blessed New Year!

happy holidays

The Twelve Days of Kindness – Day 11, Act 137

Thursday, December 24, Day 11, Act 137:

My wife had to work today and she had several packages that she still needed wrapped for our family.  Now I’m not the best package wrapper, definitely not as good as her because she does it daily during the holidays at the jewelry store for customers, but if the presents were going to get wrapped by Christmas day and to relieve some of the stress from my wife – these last few presents were going to be wrapped by me.

christmas packageI pulled out the bows, wrapping paper, scissors, and tape and went to work. Wrapping, cutting, trimming the extra left over paper from the packages and strategically placing the bows and tags on the packages.  I took my time carefully wrapping each one.

My wife was appreciative and the packages looked actually really nice (not department store quality, but close), even if I do say so myself.  It helped her not to have to worry about wrapping the last few presents. We were able to get ready that evening and visit family with no rush or stress.  It is going to be happy holidays for sure!